
Theme Of God Begins In The Book Of Genesis

Decent Essays

Throughout the book of Genesis, the theme “God Begins” is constantly seen throughout the story. It is seen in the first chapter of Genesis which focuses on Creation; the beginning of the world. Genesis is also the beginning of God’s plan for redemption, the beginning of sin, and the beginning of God’s promises. The theme, “God Begins” shows that we don’t serve a nonexistent God, on the contrary it shows that we serve a God who is omnipresent and still active. The book of Genesis then goes into greater detail of the theme “God Begins.” It first starts of with the Creation of the world, and how God created the heavens and the earth as Genesis 1:1 mentions. It shows that God is in control of everything, that He alone has the power to create stuff such as light and dark, or land and sea and humans. Furthermore, Genesis 1:26 shows that Jesus was present in the creation. The term “Let us” alludes that God was not alone during the time of Creation, but that He was with other people; thus referring to the trinity. Because God is Trinitarian, the trinity exemplifies that having relationships is …show more content…

Genesis 11 shows that it was the beginning of nations and languages. The establishment of languages is what split up nations. The tower of Babel was the set up for nations which helped continue the women’s line in Genesis 3:15. But God did all of this to put a restraint to people’s evil. God promises in Genesis 12 that He will make a great nation and bless them. We see the beginning of name changes when God changes Abrams name to Israel and that God has a covenant relationship with His people. Throughout Genesis we see that God is with His people. And we see that God has a plan for everything. In Genesis 25 when Jacob wants Esau’s birthright we see that Jacob obtaining the birthright the continuation of Genesis 3:15 is

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