
Theme Of Dystopia In Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

In the novel, Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury Guy Montag lives in a dystopian community. His occupation: Fireman a fireman’s job is to destroy the books that are hidden in people’s homes. Montag never questioned his actions and he never thought much about his work he just did what he trained to do. One day when walking home from work he meets his neighbor Clarisse McClellan. Clarisse begins to speak of the past when no one lived in fear Instead they, read books. Montag then realizes that his life is not what he wants it to be.
The dystopian community controls everything even religion. They had a generic version of Jesus and they had him in a rainbow cloak. “It’s as good as I remember. Lord, how they’ve changed it in our ‘parlors’ these days. …show more content…

It was impossible to fill. The sand represents the knowledge that enters Montag’s mind then immediately leaves his mind. The sieve represents Montag’s mind and how it will not grasp the knowledge. “Of course you couldn’t know this, of course you still can’t understand what I mean when I say all this. You are intuitively right, that’s what counts. Three things are missing.” (Bradbury p.79) The first thing he is missing is texture the second leisure and the third the right to carry out actions based on what we learn from the first two. Number one explains the significance of detail and texture. “This book has pores.” (Bradbury p.79) When a book has great features, fresh details, and is well written, it is considered to have pores. Leisure the second one is being able to digest the information from the books. “It is an environment as real as the world. It becomes and is the truth.” (Bradbury p.80) The last one taking action and making a change. Montag starts realizing that he is not happy. He soon discovers he will need to take action but he can’t do it

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