
Theme Of Crossing The Threshold In Frankenstein

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Prometheus, a titan who brought fire to man, was alluded to hundreds of years later through Frankenstein, a scientist who brought a corpse back to life. With Prometheus being explored in the works of Hesiod and Aeschylus, and Frankenstein illustrated in Mary Shelley’s work- both ultimately illustrate how going beyond the norm threatens culture, balance and authority. In other words, the process of crossing the threshold is critical to an individual being extraordinary, though their contributions may be initially viewed as negative and unwanted. The idea of crossing the threshold is explored in Campbell’s monomyth theory which outlines the hero’s journey. Despite details being different for different heroes, the common theme stands still of crossing the threshold …show more content…

In other words, yes the beliefs and values of the time are altered, but separate from that is the systematic functioning of the world and the peace that exists in regards to how things are already functioning. In Works and Days, Hesiod argues that Prometheus upsetting the balance of the world through stealing fire ultimately makes him selfish and reckless. No one had told Prometheus to steal fire, in fact, he was actually warned to do the opposite. Thus, because Prometheus chose to create a disequilibrium, he should be punished for this act and feel the consequences of his decision. Alternatively, altering culture and maintaining equilibrium is a very difficult act to achieve. As explored in The Heavenly Scenario, changing one thing in the world influences a cascade of other things to also change. Though Prometheus was not motivated to create imbalance but to change culture, the two were not independent of each other. Crossing the threshold causes a sort of imbalance to exist in the world, because as the stage in the journey implies, a threshold not intended to be crossed,

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