
Theme Of Conflict In The Necklace

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What should one do if they lost a $37,000 necklace that belongs to a friend? In the short story, “The Necklace” by Guy De Maupassant, Madame Loisel borrows a diamond necklace from a friend to wear at a ball. Unfortunately, she loses the necklace and, consequently, works for most of her life to afford a new one to return to her friend. This conflict changes Madame Loisel’s life and leads to situational irony, which hints that the theme is to always tell the truth. Firstly, Madame Loisel borrows a diamond necklace from her friend to wear to a ball. On the way home from the ball, she discovers that she “no longer [has] Madame Forestier’s necklace” (De Maupassant). This is clearly the conflict and it affects the entire story. It changes the Loisel’s lives and it pushes the plot forward. It is the central problem in the story and so the characters base their actions on this problem, further demonstrating that it is the conflict. The Loisel’s work to find and return the necklace, but by the end of the story, this conflict creates a considerable plot twist. In other words, the ending is completely unexpected and thus creates situational irony. If the conflict was any different, the entire story would change as well as the ending so, this conflict creates irony, leading to the creation of a theme. This conflict creates irony that changes the story’s ending. In the aftermath of losing the necklace, Madame Loisel and her husband work for 10 years to repay the debt caused by purchasing a replacement necklace. Afterwards, when they finish repaying the debt, Madame Loisel decides to tell her friend what had happened. The author writes “and now that she had paid, she would tell her all” (De Maupassant). If she had told her friend early on, they would not have had to pay off so much debt because the necklace was only 500 francs. If the Loisels’ had told the truth, they would not have had to purchase a real diamond necklace and work for ten years to pay their debt. Moreover, if they told Madame Forestier what happened, they would not have fallen into poverty because it would have only cost them 500 francs instead of 36,000. We see the author hinting that telling the truth is important and so, the theme is to always tell

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