
Theme Of Atonement In The Kite Runner

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Atonement destroys guilt Atonement is a spiritual process by which the god provides a means to satisfy need for a penalty for a human’s sin while still extending mercy through grace to all his people. Sin, Punishment and atonement, a path none can escape, if sin is committed then there will be punishment received by the sinner irrespective of the fact how big or small the sin is. The punishment may not be always that of physical torture but the very feeling of guilt which sets shivers across one’s spine if they are somehow reminded of their sin. This thesis tends to prove that, how through the means of atonement one can become guilt free. In the novel ‘The kite Runner’ the author, Khaled Houseini has very accurately put the concept of sin and …show more content…

Often after one goes through the course of committing a sin and bearing the punishment for it, he/she is led towards the path of redemption by the power of inner righteousness or ‘vivek’. One who has ‘Vivek’ does have the ability to differentiate between right and wrong and that is why Rishabh 2 the sinner is led towards redemption as they realize their sin. Also throughout the book this course of firstly occurring sin, then receiving of punishment and then finally redemption. Just as when Amir finally realizes his sin and decides to rescue Sohrab from Afghanistan to give Sohrab a better life and free him from the hell he was bearing. Finally when Amir encounters Assef they engage into a fight (Amir and Assef). Even though Amir gets badly beaten up, he gives of a smile as he felt that he was finally closer to achieving his redemption. Even though the physical pain of punishment was unbearable, the guilt was being removed from his life, it could no longer eat him alive. Each and every day an individual with the weight

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