
Their Eyes Were Watching God Language Analysis

Decent Essays

Gabrielle Topping July 30, 2017 AP Literature Assignment 2 Zora Neale Hurston’s use of language in Their Eyes Were Watching God effectively creates mood, establishes characterization, and develops themes throughout the novel. Ever since Tea Cake, Janie’s third husband was bitten by a rabid dog, his behavior has been threatening towards Janie’s life. When he points a gun at her, attempting to shoot her, Janie is left with no choice. She aims her rifle at her disease-stricken husband and he dies in her arms. As a result of this shooting, Janie finds herself on trial for Tea Cake’s death. The common themes of gender and race stereotypes, as well as social conformity are expressed throughout this scene. A jury, consisting of all white men will decide Janie's fate. “Gentlemen of the jury, it is for you to decide whether the defendant has committed a cold blooded murder or whether she is a …show more content…

Janie feared that the court would misinterpret the day’s events. “It was not death she feared. It was misunderstanding. If they made a verdict that she didn’t want Tea Cake and wanted him dead, then that was a real sin and a shame. It was worse than murder” (page 188). The “black people from the muck” proved her fear accurate by withholding their support. They asked the judge to testify on Tea Cake’s behalf and stated that hanging Janie would not be sufficient enough. This fear was soon overturned by relief when the court found, “The death of Vergible Woods to be entirely accidental and justifiable, and that no blame should rest upon the defendant Janie Woods” (page 188). Janie’s honest recollection of events, in addition to Dr. Simmons’ additional testimony on her behalf led to the court’s decision to absolve her from any wrongdoing. Not only is it a relief that Janie wasn’t held responsible for Tea Cake’s death, but Janie can now claim her independence and discover who she is without a

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