
The11th Hour Analysis

Decent Essays

In the documentary film, The11th hour, directed by Leila and Nadia Conners, the experts substantially have supported the claim that climate change is a threat to our human society. Most of the speaker’s are credible because they are either scientists, environmentalists, or have some position in the government. For example, Leonardo Dicaprio, a well known actor, states that “we are the ones causing global warming”. Although he may be right, his level of expertise affect his credibility because he is only an actor. On the other hand, David Suzuki, a scientist, and environmentalist, states that in a 4 year long study, involving 1,300 scientists, from 71 different countries, “documented this staggering distraction of ecosystems and the services …show more content…

Another example, of a credible speaker is Wes Jackson, President, The Land Institute, claims that “the fertilizer and the pesticides that are applied in fields of the upper midwest go down the Mississippi and 11 hundred miles away there's a dead zone”, that is causing our food, like fish, to disappear. This develops Jackson’s ethos and credibility not only because of his field of expertise, but also bc he used a diagram that showed exactly what he was talking about. Another credible speaker in the film is Andy lipkins, President & Founder of the Tree People, who states that “in a 10 to 12 inch flash flood a tree can take 57,000 gallons of water”. Cutting down one tree can cause a flood to happen more frequently and more dangerous, making deforestation a big problem. This improves his ethos because he fits right into the topic of deforestation. David Orr, a Chair of the Environmental Studies Program, states reason why no one has taken action is climate change is due to “the failure in the Government” because they are run by the fossil fuel industry, which is the highest power on

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