
The project ”Distributor management system” deals with the process of managing the distributors of

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The project ”Distributor management system” deals with the process of managing the distributors of a company. This project consists of many modules like Administrative department, Manager department, Distributor department, Sales manager department and Representative department with their access rights as sub modules. ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT: Administrative department module is mainly for the administrator. The administrator monitors the whole sales activities. The administrator is the one with veto rights. The administrator has special rights to dismiss/add any person in this system, to remove/modify the products details, to give target values, to change any ones addresses and to view various reports for monitoring purpose. Add …show more content…

The evaluation is stored in the sales, reppo tables for report generation. DISTRIBUTORS DEPARTMENT: Distributors department has distributors as its members. This module has the following as the sub modules Mail options, Evaluation and User input form. Each distributor has to submit their sales daily via, a sales form. The distributor’s sets the target to the SALES MANAGERs., in weekly basics and evaluates their progress daily. The distributors cannot send mail to the administrative department. Mail options: The difference between the administrative department mail options and this mail options is the distributor cannot send mail to the administrative department but mails can be send to other persons in the system. Evaluation: This sub module is used for evaluating the sales manger of a distributor on daily basis. This evaluation is done on the comparison of target achieved and the target to be achieved. The distributor supplies the current position of the sales manager and gives comment on the performances; the comment may include incentives also. These evaluations will be stored in the reppo table, since it will be displayed for other sales mangers. SALES MANAGERS DEPARTMENT: Sales Managers department has sales managers as its members. This module has the following as the sub modules Mail options, Evaluation and User input form. Each sales manager has to submit their sales daily via, a sales form.

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