Professional Ethics There is general recognition of the fact that journalists have responsibilities not only vis-à-vis their own convictions but also towards the public. Summarily, four kinds of responsibility may be defined: contractual responsibility in relation to the media and their internal organisation, a social responsibility entailing obligations towards public opinion and society as a whole, responsibility or liability deriving from the obligation to comply with the law and responsibility towards the international community, relating to respect of universal values. These four types of responsibilities may in certain respects be contradictory or even conflicting. The international commission for the study of communication problems appointed by UNESCO pointed out that professional ethical norm first began to be codified in all regions of the world. They vary considerably both in their form and scope. In some countries, different codes govern the press, broadcasting and the cinema. These codes are formulated and adopted voluntarily by the professionals and their associations, in other cases; however, they are imposed by the law. Moreover, principles such as objectivity, impartiality, truthfulness and freedom of information are frequently formulated in rather vague and ambiguous terms. Most codes refer to such important concepts as safeguarding freedom of information, freedom of access to information sources, objectivity, accuracy, truthfulness, or the non-
being selfish, overbearing or taking credit for someone else’s work. It also shows customers and business relationships/partners
When looking at the IMA Statement of Ethical Professional Practice, there were some steps that Betty Vinson could have taken to avoid any of the punishments that were given to her. Before following any of the IMA’s recommended actions of recourse, Vinson should have referred to WorldCom’s recognized policies on ethical behavior and follow the actions that they have written and approved to take. If WorldCom’s executives still were demanding her to falsify the journal entries after following her company’s policy, then the IMA would state that she should have discussed the issue with your immediate supervisor or the next level of management if her supervisor was involved in the unethical activity. One important thing to note with this, however, is that “Contact with levels above the immediate superior should be initiated only with your superior’s knowledge, assuming he or she is not involved (Institute of Management Accountants, 2005).
Because of the complex nature of nursing there are plenty of opportunities to question ethical, moral, and legal standards. Marquis and Huston (2015a) described these opportunities as results of the expectation of nurses to meet the needs of patients, physicians, and the organizations they serve while still maintaining the values and morals the nurses have established for themselves (Marquis & Huston, 2015a). Teleological frameworks that focus on the overall benefit of those involved and deontological frameworks like duty-based reasoning, rights-based reasoning, and institutionist framework play a part in decision-making in nursing. Marquis and Huston also described some recent frameworks including ethical relativism, where decision makers involve what they perceive as right, and ethical universalism, which represented the concepts that are the foundation of the ANA Code of Ethics and Professional Standards (Marquis & Huston, 2015a).
The issues discussed by Thomas Nagel in "Ruthlessness in Public Life" are that continuities and discontinuities exist between the public and private morality. Public officials need to recognize that there are clear limitations on actions which conflict with morality concerns. Nagel explored how public and private sectors need to adhere to certain ordinary moral standards.
Competency 1: Ethical and Professional Behavior During this week, the student worked with Mr. Saeed in accordance to the ethics of the social work profession, which requires the practitioner to demonstrate ethical and professional behavior in practice. As the student works with the Muslim community through the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh, it means that he would apply the services of the rural population by applying the value base of the profession and its ethical standards, as well as relevant laws and regulations that are suitable for rural communities. As a result, the student at the beginning of the first sessions with the client Mr. Saeed clarified the type of professional relationship that established between them. This is an attempt by the student to avoid the dual relationship, which may occur in rural communities between the client and the social worker.
The Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics strives to secure the “free exchange of information”. It must be fair, accurate and thorough and also states that integrity is a key factor in being an ethical journalist. The Society asserts four main principles as the foundations to all ethical journalism and promotes their use in practice by all people in all media. The first code is to “Seek Truth and Report It.” It states that all ethical
The Radio-Television News Directors Association, wishing to foster the highest professional standards of electronic journalism, promote public understanding of and confidence in electronic journalism, and strengthen principles of journalistic freedom to gather and disseminate information, establishes this Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.
In Normative Ethics there are three distinct schools of thought, and each differentiate through moral intentions. Consequentialism relies on the consequences of an action in order to distinguish whether or not something is morally acceptable. Deontology considers the morality of an action by one’s reason for doing a certain deed. Lastly, virtue ethics bases morality off of virtuous character, and how a virtuous person would act given a certain predicament. Ultimately, consequentialism provides the most practical explanation for morality due to the notion of providing the best possible result. Contrarily, deontology and virtue ethics do not always provide an individual with the most sensible course of action, and therefore prove to be
The autonomy of a competent patient is an issue not often debated in medical ethics. Refusal of unwanted treatment is a basic right, likened to the common law of battery, available to all people capable of a competent choice. These fundamental rules of medical ethics entered a completely new forum as medical technology developed highly effective life-sustaining care during the 20th century. Several watershed cases elucidated these emerging issues in the 1960’s and 70’s, none more effectively than that of Karen Ann Quinlan. Fundamentally, this case established that a once-competent patient without the possibility of recovery could have their autonomy exercised by a surrogate in regard to the
Professional values and ethics are based on the foundations of personal values, professional and, academic integrity. Integrity is the act of doing what is right even if there is no one is around. Personal values are comprised of an individual’s integrity, morals, and ethics, the standards in which, an individual holds him or herself to. One must exercise personal values which in turn become the foundation professional values.
First a journalist must follow a foundation of Ethics. The Society of Professional Journalists provides a code of ethics in which they should act on with integrity. There are four principles that SPJ say a journalist must follow. The first being a journalist should seek the truth before reporting. By verifying information before releasing, it allows the work to be accurate. Journalists should also minimize harm by showing compassion for those who may be affected by the news, balancing the public’s need of information against potential harm of the subject. The third principle of ethics according is to act independently as a journalist. Journalists should avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived. The last principle is to be accountable and transparent. Being a journalist requires you must make sure your information is accurate and that you are showing fairness.
Technological and media revolutions have freed journalistic duties to anyone with access to the Internet. Citizens can now practice their own news judgment. The emphasis can no loner be on who is a journalist but rather how journalism is performed. Thus, journalists have an even more important task of delivering the truth. Williams believes that journalists should be god-fearing, but fails to mention other values journalists should have.
When thinking of the justice system ethical and professional practices are greatly enforced. There is a code of conduct that criminal justice practitioners are expected to adhere to.
As I enter my junior year in college I can see my career right ahead of me. I am attending Grand Valley State University to become a Physician Assistant. This makes me think about my involvement in people 's health. This also makes me think about the responsibilities I have my patients and their well being. To be prepared for all of the challenges I will need to focus my attention on biomedical ethics. There are morals that have been engrained into my character. These include what is right or wrong and how I will behave in certain situations. I will compare my personal and professional ethics in order to be ready for my healthcare career. My personal ethics are deeply implemented into my professional ethics. This could make conflicts arise between my professional workplace and personal ethical view because of differing perspectives on issues. My personal ethics govern how I behave and help me to navigate through ethical dilemmas. My professional ethics could be restricted however, because of a code of conduct put in place by my employer. A code of conduct states principles expressing responsibility, and defines rules expressing duties of professionals to whom they apply. (Pozgar, 2016) I rely on ethical theories including virtue ethics, utilitarian ethics and principles of ethics to make my judgements.
In his book Media and Journalism Ethics S.P. Phadke has stated that journalists are the formulators and disseminators of news they have a great responsibility both morally and pragmatically. As it is through them that citizen’s view the world, and they set the agenda for social concern and debate. (Phadke 2008)