
The practice of seclusion and restraint in psychiatric inpatient facilities

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Research Paper Evaluation of the research articles This work is using two original research papers and their findings to analyse the validity of the practice of SR (seclusion and restraint) in psychiatric inpatient facilities. The research papers chosen shed light on this questionable practice by analysing multiple patient characteristics and the events leading to SR. The other chosen research paper evaluates the inpatients perception of SR. The first research was found in the 'Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association' titled 'Characteristics of patients with histories of multiple seclusion and restraint events during a single psychiatric hospitalisation' and aimed by means of a quantitative study to find solutions to …show more content…

For example inpatients have many times vocalised and/or shown by their response to SR, that they believe this strategy is merely used to exert power over them (Mehan et al. 2004). (Taylor et al. 2012) quoted in their discussion 'The results of the present study suggest that patients’ opinions were not included in treatment planning. This might show that paternalistic decision-making still exists in psychiatric hospitals.' Both research papers selected allow for transferability since their findings in mental health facilities located in the USA and Finland are the same as the observations gained in Tasmania, ranging from age, sex, aggression criteria and inpatient perceptions of SR (Colorado State University 2011). If the findings can be generalised could be answered with 'yes' and 'maybe', 'yes' because the application of the research results can be applied beyond those examined, since the criteria are always the same, people with mental illnesses, SR in mental health facilities and aggression or violence shown, 'maybe' because similar research studies conducted in countries with a lower threshold for valuing human life and therefore higher thresholds of fair treatment expectancy by inpatients would change the research criteria and results (Collis and Hussey 2003, p. 225). How is my EPB awareness affected by this research? Another

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