
The Young and the Realigning: A Test of the Socialization

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David E. Campbell in his article “The Young and the Realigning: A Test of the Socialization Theory of Realignment”, Campbell decides that he wants to know what exactly is the reason for why more and more people are identifying with the Republican Party instead of the Democratic Party. Campbell spends a lot of time writing about if one of the key factors for people identifying with the Republican Party is religion; primarily between Catholics and Protestants. Along with religion, Campbell goes through a series of variables that he believes to be the cause for the Republican Party getting more and more identifiers. Campbell’s research question is; “specifically, this article tests whether younger voters have been more likely to realign along religious versus secular lines- as the literature on party identification and realignment suggests they should”(210). Campbell never really states his theory, he basically summarizes his theory instead of blatantly stating it. “I start with the premise that the Republican and Democratic parties are divided among religious lines. This cleft is not denominational- Catholic versus Protestant- as it has been historically; instead, it is between religiously committed and secularly oriented voters. This test which elements of theory developed upon observation of the New Deal party system apply to another period of changing electoral coalitions and thus potentially to such eras generally” (210).
Campbell’s unit of analysis is on page 210

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