
The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

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“The Yellow Wallpaper” was written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman in 1889. The story was written to explain a woman’s experience during her rest cure process. In the story, the narrator goes through a sickness. She was having a hard time expressing her feelings, because her husband was always away and very distant from her. She never had the quality time she wanted and needed to spend with her husband. Even though she wasn’t able to fulfill all the womanly duties a wife should complete, she was still dealing with a nineteenth-century marriage. Throughout this essay I will be discussing how Gilman portrayed nineteenth-century middle-class marriage in “The Yellow Wallpaper.” In “The Yellow Wallpaper” Gilman portrayed the conventional nineteenth-century middle-class marriage. The narrator in the story had a hard time expressing her feelings about her sickness. All she really wanted was for her husband to be home with her and they spend quality time together. Instead she had to express herself through writing. Most nineteenth-century marriages were this way in the aspect of wives and husbands not spending time together because the husbands went to work the majority of the day, every day. The wives stayed home and took care of the household duties, such as cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the children. But according to the narrator, she was not satisfied with living that life. Gilman wanted all women in the nineteenth-century to have the same freedom as men. She also wanted

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