
The Yellow Wallpaper Synthesis

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“The Yellow Wallpaper” is partly autobiographical. Charlotte Perkins Gilman wrote it after she fled from her husband with her infant daughter to California. More important than the story’s similarities to Gilman’s own experience is the larger issue of a woman’s right to be creative and autonomous. The story can be seen as advocating a woman’s right to act and speak for herself. She decides to keep a secret journal in order to express her feelings of being trapped physically and emotionally and describes how the oppression of the standards of society and complete isolation can drive a person mad. The story describes a woman who is clearly depressed and is not being properly treated for her illness. Depression is a severe illness that was not …show more content…

This shows that prolonged periods of solitary confinement can drive a person mad. It is the story of a woman’s mental breakdown, narrated in a naïve, first-person voice with superb psychological and dramatic precision. Thanks to her confinement, she begins to lose her sanity and sense of freedom. ”There are things in that paper which nobody knows but me, or ever will.” The figure behind the wallpaper metaphorically becomes her madness. Charlotte Perkins Gilman explains how the narrator is slowly driven mad and begins to see things that others do not. The narrator says that “the front pattern does move- and no wonder! The woman behind shakes it! Sometimes I think there are a great many women behind, and sometimes only one, and she crawls around fast, and her crawling shakes it all over.” This shows that the narrator is nearing full psychosis and hallucinations are to be expected when one is held up in a room for three months. The grip on reality that the narrator once had is slowly fading …show more content…

People thought and expected less of women. “Nature requires less from a woman, because their role in procreation is purely physical.” The narrator goes on to say her husband “is very careful and loving, and hardly lets me stir without special direction” expressing that she is controlled by the people around her, especially the men. A woman’s role fell within the domestic sphere and that females must act in submission to males She is an imaginative, creative woman living in a society that views women who exhibit artistic and intellectual potential as

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