
The Yellow Wallpaper Research Paper

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The short story “The Yellow Wallpaper” the main character is seem to be unknown throughout the story. The short story is about a woman who is unexpectedly suffering from postpartum depression soon after having her child. After being diagnosed with postpartum depression by her husband John which is a doctor of high standards he is going to make his wife feel better. Johns wife has no say so anything she has to obey every word John tells her. As we go through the story you will begin to notice how the narrator begins to really like act differently and mentally lose her mind. At the earliest part of the story you could tell how crazy the narrator has gotten, she would be at the point where she would scare herself, because …show more content…

She sits in her room looking around and surrounded by, “this wall-paper has a kind of sub-pattern in a different shade, a particularly irritating one, for you can only see it in certain lights, and not clearly then”(6). She feels tortured being put in this four sides room with the hideous wallpaper. The narrator is trying to get well so her husband John will not send her to Weir Mitchell in the fall. Seems like the yellow wallpaper is keeping her from getting well. At night the narrator seems to study the yellow wallpaper she mentions, “ there is one marked peculiarity about this paper, a thing nobody has seems to notice but myself, and that is that it changes as the light changes(10). As the narrator is to do nothing else but look at her four wall room and look at the hideous wallpaper she beings to fix on the paper she begin to notice she saw shadows drawing her more attention into the wallpaper. She became obsessed with the wallpaper and she is still losing her mind at the moment. The narrator says, “I don't want to leave until I have found out it out. There is a week more, and I think that will be enough”(11). Being locked up in a room for a couple weeks and staring at the ugly yellow wallpaper is not the only thing that is driving her crazy, she's hasn't been able to interact with other people besides her husband John and the housekeeper Jennie. Her husband is not giving his wife

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