
The Yellow Wallpaper Analysis

Decent Essays

The Yellow Wallpaper was written in 1892 by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. This short story describes a woman suffering with a mental illness after the birth of her daughter that was put on the “rest cure.” The woman was not to do any activities and to rest her mind in order to correct her hysteria that she was thought to have. This story was written not long after Gilman’s own nervous breakdown as she was very depressed after the birth of her daughter. Due to Gilman’s personal experience she was able to create an accurate and detailed depiction in her writing of what emotional struggles women were going through at the time, with details in her story like “Life is very much more exciting now than it used to be. You see I have something more to expect, …show more content…

Readers who have been oppressed by a man may relate to the narrator and argue that it was John who led her to insanity, and had he not belittled her she wouldn’t have gotten to the point at the end of the story where she was “creeping” around the room. Others who adhere more to the customs and rules at the time, may argue that John wasn’t doing anything wrong as he was only giving his wife the treatment that many at the time thought was appropriate. Gilman uses a first person narrative format for the story which allows readers to experience the narrator’s feelings and battle with her depression first hand. The story is broken up into twelve different sections to signify the progression of the narrator’s insanity as time goes on. Much of the story is filled with short and simple sentences that contain the narrator’s thoughts. By presenting the story this way, Gilman is able to capture the reader’s attention and put them into the story as they can follow each thought. Near the end of the story the structure becomes fragmented and doesn’t follow a pattern like it did at the beginning of the story which reflects the narrator’s insanity. The language Gilman uses throughout the story with phrases like “It is so pleasant to be out in this great room and creep around as I please!” on page 544, show the symbolism behind the wallpaper. Peeling away the wallpaper for the narrator, is like escaping her depression and the world she feels trapped

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