
The Work We Have To Do Summary

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The Work We Have To Do by Mark A. Noll and 100 Most Important Events in Christian History by Curtis, Lang, and Peterson were both written to educate the readers on the history of the Church. For Noll, he began in England, but he primarily wrote about the history of the Protestant church in America whereas Curtis, Lang, and Peterson created a timeline of, what they thought, were the most important dates in the world wide Church. If the reader was seeking a basic overview of Christianity, the 100 Most Important Events in Christian History would be the book to pick up. On the other hand, if the reader wanted to know what American Protestantism was, Noll’s book, The Work We Have To Do would suffice. These books cannot be used interchangeably because one lacks what the other has.
Throughout these early years of 64 through 451, the church and Christians were suffering greatly from persecution. However, though these acts of persecution were unbearably horrible, the trails and suffering caused Christianity to spread rapidly as men and women began to seek freedom. As Christianity spread, as did Christian literature; books and writings, including the New Testament canon started to have influence on the culture. During this time, as the popularity of …show more content…

As the Church began to change and progress, men began creating Christian works of art such as Handel’s Messiah and Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel painting. Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Theses to the door, and Gutenberg and Wycliffe published and translated Bibles. The King James Bible was published in 1611, and Bibles were being made available for common people rather than only for aristocrats. While these great advances were happening in England, men and women wanted to be free from the heresy that was also taking place. In 1620, the Pilgrims arrived in America to seek a better life and religious

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