
The Wife Of Bath Patriarchy

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The English language has not always been the language we know today. In history, there have been three different evolutions of the language. There was old English, Middle English and modern English; which is the language we know and study today. However, there is a language that is universal; sarcasm. Also known as satire, this form of writing has been around since the time of the Romans with Juvenal and Horace. Geoffrey Chaucer wrote a very a text with very obvious satire called Canterbury Tales. Chaucer was a very important poet and author at the time as well as today. He was the type of author who didn’t care if he offended anyone, but could easily relate to the common folk. He used the General Prologue in order to introduce all is characters …show more content…

During this period, there was no questioning the fact that women were property. Men dominated the earth and women were kept at home. It was customary for men to beat their wives at home, the only restriction was that the stick must be no thicker than a man’s thumb. With The Wife of Bath’s Prologue, Chaucer starts criticizing this idea that women are less valuable or important than men. Bath’s wife speaks of her five husbands and their horrible treatment of her. She tells of her fifth handsome Johnny and how he beat her. “None of my pleasures would he let me seek. By God, he smote me once upon the cheek because I tore a page out of his book, and that’s the reason I am deaf.” (The Wife of Bath’s Prologue, Page 7, Lines 407-411) In many ways, Chaucer began the feminist movement that is still being fought today. “Blatant, intentional discrimination against women is far from being something merely to be read about in history books.” (Fine) No, it is also read about in the news today as well as in Chaucer’s Canterbury …show more content…

Throughout Chaucer’s lifetime, he did in fact experience the class system. There were the commoners, the knights and nobles, the monarchs and then the church. At this time, these classes did not mix under any circumstances. “Most of the mess that is called history comes about because kings and presidents cannot be satisfied with a nice chicken and a good loaf of bread.” (Donnelly) The separation between the classes became a very large issue. Chaucer challenged this through the wife of Bath as she told her tale. “This act of violence made such a stir, so much petitioning of the king for her, that he condemned the knight to lose his head, by course of law. He was as good as dead.” (The Wife of Bath’s Tale Page 139, Lines 35-38) Kings, in this period of time had the power to do whatever they pleased, whenever it best suited them. No commoner or knight could change their mind. Though knights had a higher standing than commoners, not even a knight could stand up to a

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