
The Whale Rider By Niki Caro

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The Whale Rider by Niki Caro is a film about a young girl, Paikea’s journey to acceptance from her grandfather. This film explores many themes such as feminism, family and conflict. One of the main conflicts explored throughout this film is the conflict between Nanny Flowers and Koro, Paikea’s grandparents. Conflict is an important issue in this film because it causes rupture among an already fractured family.

The film Whale Rider is based around a family living on the East Coast of New Zealand, in Whangara. The film revolves around two characters, Koro and his granddaughter Paikea. Koro is the chief in his village and he is growing old meaning soon he will have to pass down his title. Staying true to his history of passing down his …show more content…

Nanny Flowers didn’t like this gesture and after Koro had said goodbye made him hold her. “Here, hold your granddaughter,” Nanny told him. This was an important quote for, during this time because of Koro’s rejection too Paikea the conflict between these two characters ignited. Nanny Flowers thought this was wrong and stood by Paikea for she was only an innocent child and Koro was being a blinded man. He was looking for something that didn’t exist, a prophet, a new leader who was going to lead their family to great heights. During this scene, Niki Caro used some clever camera movement and shot compositions to enhance the message she was trying to get across. When we see Koro saying goodbye to Pai’s brother the shot we see is from behind a glass wall, behind Nanny Flowers shoulders. This was effective because the shot was made out to be from Nanny Flowers perspective. Caro also used the wall as a barrier showing that there is separation between the characters. This was clever of Caro because this event was the beginning of the conflict between Nanny Flowers and Koro.

Throughout the film the conflict between these characters builds until the very end of the film when, the conflict reaches its peak. At the end of the film one of the last events is helping a whole pod of beached whales, back into the sea. After a long night 's struggle Paikea gets onto the biggest

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