
The Weakness Of Society In Aristophanes's Play The Frogs

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In Aristophanes play the Frogs he exercises some privileges such as criticizing the politicians and playing fun with the ‘gods’ to make the situation seem more light and fun. He mostly sticks to the main problem- that their society is losing the Peloponnesian war and that if they don’t return to the old ways of thinking and doing things then the kingdom will fall. Through his play he points out several flaws in their society and what they can do to fix them but refraining from offending anyone by saying it through the humorous situations and tones of the play. Throughout the play Aristophanes amuses and informs his audience through the songs of the chorus and the actions and words of his characters. The chorus allows for a humorous and lovely way to sum up what others may have missed. This informs the crowd about what has just transpired while also providing the crowd advice and allowing them to send prayers to the gods. Such as on page 181 when the chorus leader says “We’ll put on serious looks and have our say. And first for those misguided souls I plead. Who in the past to Phrynichus paid heed, It’s history now; their folly they regret. The time has come to forgive and forget.” and when the chorus leader says “This city treats her soundest men today: By a coincidence more sad than funny, It is very much like the way we treat our money. The noble silver drachma, which of old, We were so proud of, and the one of gold, Coins that rang true (clean stamped and worth their weight) Throughout the world have ceased to circulate. Instead the purses of Athenian shoppers. Are full of phony silver-plated coppers”. This is advice given about how Athens treats its people it gets them thinking about this subject long after the play has ended. The chorus is how Aristophanes creates a light way to tell his listeners his ideas about their own society and what they should do about their situation. He also entertains his audience with the physical acts of the play such as when the god Dionysus and his slave are being tested by being spanked to see which of them is actually a god. Through this act Aristophanes is not trying to make fun of Dionysus even though he is shown as cowardly, idiotic and very silly all dressed

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