
The Wasp Factory

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Obsessed With Killing In the novel The Wasp Factory, by Iain Banks, All the characters possess an uncommon character trait. The main character, Frank Cauldhame is obsessed with killing. He has been obsessed with killing since he was a young child, when he murdered three innocent children. His obsession has evolved into a daily ritual due to multiple reasons. First, Frank’s dad has secretly put additional male hormones in Frank’s food since he was a young child. (Frank was born female, but after years of irregular male hormone in-take, his body and mind slowly transformed into male) This degenerate act caused Frank to react to situations much differently. Frank is also obsessed with killing because, in his perspective, he has nothing …show more content…

He meticulously built the death box with twelve different ways for the wasp to die. The time spent to build the system, and the daily ritual he follows portrays his obsession. Franks obsession is exhibited because of a combination of factors. His chemically unbalanced self does not make the decisions a normal, unharmed person would. His thoughts and actions are different because he truly does not know any better. He has no one to help him. In Franks persepective, his actions are exciting, but in reality his actions are immoral and sometimes disgusting. Frank’s father is definitely to blame for his obsession. First, the hormones are the primary reason why his actions and thoughts are so unconventional. Then, Frank has no rules to follow, another parenting mistake. Due to his secluded house, Frank got away with every malicious act he

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