
The War On The Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria Essay

Decent Essays

In January 11, 2002, Guantanamo Bay (Gitmo) was opened as a prison camp at the Naval Military Base in Cuba to detain terrorist suspects during the Bush Administration. Since President Obama took office in 2008, continued operations of the prison camp has been largely debated between both the Obama Administration and Congress (“Barrack”). Currently, there are 91 remaining detainees housed at Gitmo. President Obama, in his 2016 State of the Union address, stated that he will continue to work towards closing the prison because, “’s expensive, unnecessary, and serves as a recruitment tool for American enemies.” Members of Congress, on the other hand, rejected President Obama’s plan to close the facility because his plan includes integrating a number of high risk detainees into our U.S. Federal prisons which threatens the safety of the American people. The war on the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has developed over the last several years while our military base has been reduced (“2014 Trending”). Closing the prison camp will only send a message to our enemies that the U.S. is, once again, retracting efforts to end the war. Gitmo should remain open as long as the war on ISIS exists and it should continue to serve as a prison camp to terrorist groups but, the prison should be reformed from its reputation of torturing detainees and serve primarily as a prison to house those who are a threat to our United Sates citizens. As of now, the plan to transfer the 91

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