
The War Of The Vietnam War

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I really enjoy the TED Talks videos and always learn a lot. Johann Hari is intriguing to listen to and backs his statements with scientific evidence. I especially like his comparison of rats getting to choose between water and heroin or cocaine (Hari, 2015). When the rats had a viable and enjoyable alternative to the desire to use the drug they choose the water in almost all instances. I think the analogy to the Vietnam War was interesting as well as the comparison to Portugal. What comes to mind for me, is the relation between the Portugal program and the manner in which positive reinforcement works. It seems the program they have been using in Portugal for the last 15 years is very effective. A 50% decrease in injectable drug use, decrease in overdose and HIV and addiction in general. The Portugal method of dealing with addiction, benefits not only those with addiction issues, but also those who employ those recovering addicts by paying half their salaries. Hari’s major point is structured around the importance of close relationships with family and friend and how our society has gotten away from this. The other video Dr. Werries posted about intervention, demonstrates the opposite of what Hari is saying in his talk. Those family and friends involved in the intervention program confront the person addicted to the substance and demand they stop the behavior or they will take away their love and discontinue their

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