
The War Of The United States Military

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Currently, the United States military is drawing down from thirteen years of sustained combat operations in two different countries: Operation Iraqi Freedom in Iraq and Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. Throughout this period of time, millions of veterans, as well as support personnel, have been deeply influenced by the dramatic effects of modern warfare. These individuals have knowingly and willingly sacrificed a tremendous amount – in thousands of cases, their lives. For those that do return, a vast number face difficulty regarding their mental health; however, this is not solely due to exposure to combat. As these individuals return home from the combat theater and separate from active duty military service, they often find …show more content…

Though, families and friends are eager to embrace their loved ones with open arms, many often fail to understand that returning home from the longest military operation in United States history often comes with other difficulties. Sister Rosemary Donley, the Jacques Laval Endowed Chair in Justice for Vulnerable Populations stated, "In my experience, we forget about the soldiers, the veterans and the war when it winds down…Given the economy in many communities, finding a job will be more difficult. Then there is the period of adjustment for the veteran but also for his family. The nature of the war and the injuries are significant and will affect vets and their loved ones for the rest of their lives," (as cited in “Social Justice for Vulnerable Populations”, 2012). For many combat veterans, the ability to reintegrate back into their respective families and develop healthy patterns and routines of living can prove to be a daunting task. The responsibilities that come attached with the norm of American society, such as financial management or parenting, often become stress causing factors due to the necessity of readjusting into a sense of normality. Unfortunately, these stressors can lead to any number of destructive habits or behaviors.
Due to the unique nature of United States military culture, a vast majority of active duty personnel and the veteran population are accustomed to

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