
The Walt Disney Company's Yen Financing, Harvard Case Study

Decent Essays

Suppose a bottle of French wine is priced in France at 1000 Euros. If the e = $1/€, the cost to an American is €1000 x ($1 / €) = $1000.
Conclusion: __________________ . If the Euro appreciates ($ depreciates), will the French wine be more or less expensive? __________________ Proof: if e = $1.20 / €, the cost to an American is €1000 x ($1.20 / € ) = $1200. If the Euro depreciates ($ appreciates), will the French wine be more expensive or less? __________ Proof: if e = $.80 / €, the cost to an American is €1000 x ($.80 / €) = $800. Therefore, the price could fluctuate between $800-$1200, depending on currency movements.

POINT: if the dollar is strong (weak), French wine is cheaper (more expensive) for an American. The value …show more content…

Example: U.S. Exporter agrees in a contract to sell beef to a buyer in Japan for ¥500 / lb. in 6 months. If the e = ¥100 / $, the U.S. exporter receives $5/lb. If e = ¥80 / $, (dollar weakens, Yen strengthens), the exporter gets $6.25/lb. If e = 125Yen/$ (dollar strengthens, Yen weakens) he gets $4/lb. Range for the sales revenue is between $4.00-6.25/lb. Currency risk for the exporter is that the Yen could weaken over the next six months, dollar strengthen. RISK FOR EXPORTER: They are receiving a fixed amount of foreign currency in the future, they are worried about the foreign currency getting weaker in the future, meaning fewer dollars in the future for the sale of the exported product.

What can importers/exporter do about currency risk?
1. Negotiate the contract in domestic currency ($).
2. Wait and see. Take the risk of using spot market at time of delivery, and hope for a favorable ex-rate movement.
3. Lock in a forward ex-rate today with a forward contract, either for the entire amount (full hedge) or for a portion of the total (partial hedge).

Example: Importer needs to buy Yen in six months. He/she can buy Yen forward today at the 6 month forward rate, and lock in a guaranteed ex-rate now for when the contract is due in 6 months. Locking in an ex-rate locks in a cost of the imported product in US dollars. If they

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