
The Viruses In Richard Preston's The Hot Zone

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The Hot Zone, written by Richard Preston is the true and dramatic story of the outbreaks of the frightening, unknown and incurable filoviruses; Marburg, Ebola Zaire, Ebola Sudan and Ebola Reston. This book covers the first documented outbreak of the virus and continues to cover more outbreaks over the course of 23 years. These sisters viruses are highly infective and destroyed entire communities throughout Africa with the deaths of 50- 90% of their victims. The effects are similar and horrifying with the viruses penetrating every tissue and organ in the body of a person, primate or other animal. This book takes place in the late 1980s and is based on an outbreak of Ebola in a monkey house in the quaint town of Reston, Virginia. Richard Preston incorporates tales of several outbreaks that occurred in Africa years before to describe the potential destruction that the filoviruses could …show more content…

Although it was a nonfiction book, it was quite scary to think about how such a small thing like a virus can infiltrate a human being and cause such destruction and damage to possibly wipe out an entire community, city, country or even the world. Ebola could spread in multiple ways, through the air, blood or any openings on the body. It’s one of the deadliest known viruses in the world and it can mutate and change forms into many things and easily kill any organism on the planet. So much about the virus is unknown which makes it more horrifying. There are seven proteins in Ebola and only four of them are known. It is unknown what the others could do. If all of the seven proteins were known, there could be a cure. The way it moves through the body is alarming, it cripples the immune system then destroys the vascular system. There are many unknowns in nature, some dangerous and some not and there is no way to tell until they emerge just like Ebola. Nature is a wonderful thing full of different surprises that sometimes end up being

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