
The Virus: A Narrative Fiction

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They made their way to Margaret's room and found Matt endlessly pounding his mother. "Dam mom, your ass is freaking tight, but it won't be for much longer!" Emily smothering her cunt against Margaret's lips in ecstasy. "Yes! That's it mom, lick my pussy dry. Ughh, don't forget to shove your tongue inside bitch!"

"Matt, please stop. It gone far enough." Jessica plead out.

Matt stop his sexual-advancement on his mother's butt and turn his attention to Jessica. "Hey Jess. Ummm, what you doing here?"

Jessica walk towards Matt and pull him away from his mother. "Alex has a theory. If it's all true, your mother and sister are not fully in control of their action."

Alex tap her foot. "Whoever you are manipulating their minds, you can come out now." …show more content…

"We got everything we needed to prepare for the end. I must thank you Alex, for helping us achieve our goals." The virus said, using Margaret's voice.

Alex is intrigued by the virus's intelligence. "I expected it much, but if I'm not mistaken. There's a good reason why you want them to have so many ovum. Can you tell whats your motivation is?"

Emily step forward and her hands rubbing her stomach. "Do not be frighten, we're not here to harm them. The host body is crucial to our plans. We want them to have a large quantity of ovum to ensure there's a certain genetics being replicated."

Jessica is curious by the virus intention. "Can you elaborate with me more clearly, because none of this makes sense."

The virus turn their attention to Matt. "We are a part of Matt and like us. He's evolving extraordinarily fast. Soon his body will be stronger than an average human and immune to radiation. He will no longer needs to eat or sleep. Death is no longer a lingering factor, considering he no longer age. In other words, he has perfect

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