
The Vikings Research Paper

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The Vikings have been seen through history as some of the most ruthless individuals to have roamed the earth. From the beginning, the Vikings would go to war with each other over property. After their invention of the Viking long boat however, they were able to plunder other countries with ease. When the Vikings came to Ireland they plundered the churches on the whole east side of the country. The Vikings targeted the missions first seeing as they were the most easy targets to attack, with widespread terror the Vikings quickly took control of the east coast of Ireland and port cities. Soon after, however, the Vikings lost their control and left to go back to their respective homelands whether Norway, Sweden, or Denmark. The following years …show more content…

Although it seemed like a terror in the country, the Viking raids in Ireland helped boost the economy and helped get Ireland on the map.
The Vikings originated in the Nordic lands and came from all around. There is no heritage that links them and they cannot be defined as a race. The Vikings should be viewed as common folk who “left their homelands to seek their fortunes elsewhere” (Nat Geo). The Viking age, a period in time in which the Vikings roamed the sea and searched for cities to plunder lasted from as early as the mid 790’s to around 1066. As stated above once the Viking long boast was invented, the Vikings spread their power and collected theory wealth. They mainly focused their expansion on the North Atlantic, and set up one of their most important colonies, which was on Iceland. Very rarely did the Vikings ever reach the North of continental Europe for many reasons. The main reason however was how powerful the English were compared to the Vikings, beating the …show more content…

From crosses to gold plates these monasteries were riddled with splendor that the Vikings could collect. This was extremely important to Vikings due to the fact that the Viking economy was not based on coin or any money on that matter. Instead, the Vikings based their economy of mostly silver in gold whether it is bars or the most common form, jewelry. This explains the economic boom that the Vikings came into during their time as raiders.
With their raids on other countries going well, the Vikings wanted a central location in order to open up the rest of the European mainland. This is when they fell upon the country of Ireland. When the Vikings first came to Ireland in 795 through 824, their initial raids were small and short lived. Not expecting what was to come from the country, the Vikings attacked in a sporadic manner and quickly pulled back to their home land. Their main target were monasteries as stated above. The best analogy for one to compare to this is almost like a hit and run. A major difference in the raids on Ireland than those on other countries is that the Vikings were not expecting there to be any resistance from the Irish but it has been recorded that a raiding party “was

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