
The Vietnam War: Cold War And American Foreign Policy

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Madeleine Abrams
Mrs. Keck
U.S. History

The War
Since World War II, Conflicts in Asia have played a major role in the Cold War and American foreign policy. One conflict was the Vietnam War, the effects of this conflict were not only felt within the region of Southeast Asia, for example Norman Morrison was a Baltimore Quaker and performed the act of self-immolation at the age of 31 to protest the US’s involvement in Vietnam, this is an example of how it was felt even in the United States and not just in Vietnam. These repercussions had a great impact on American society and even our foreign policy. There were many reasons for the continued involvement of the United States in the Vietnam War. One idea that greatly influenced America's …show more content…

This would actually cause us to defeat the Soviet Union by basically “cutting off it’s air”. The United States were about their foreign policy of containment in a number of different ways. For instance the Marshall Plan promised economic aid to the war torn regions of Europe following World War II . The idea was that if these countries economies were stabilized, then they would not fall to communist factors. Greece and Turkey however, were greatly assisted by America’s foreign policies. Also, the united states allowed the military aid to regions that were in direct correlation to communist takeover, which included Korea with evidence from document 2a. The united states got involved in the Korean War to contain communism. As shown in Document 2b Asia was not really understanding communist threats very well. This resulted in America feeling the need to intervene themselves in order to prevent communism from spreading further into Asia, which then led to American involvement in the Vietnam War.When North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam it caused a threat that the Domino Theory would affect southeast Asia in the attempt to contain the spread of …show more content…

One effect on American Society was that it diverted attention away from domestic issues. For example President Johnson’s plan for a “Great Society” that would help get rid of poverty was set aside. That wasn’t the only issue that was put aside, the issue of civil rights was also because the government’s energy was focused overseas causing important domestic issues to be ignored. These issues can be seen in document 4a and b. The war also caused deep domestic issues in american society leading to widespread anti war protests, these protests were on college campuses and occasionally led to violence. An example of this is Kent state where students were killed by the national guard during a protest as shown in document 5a and

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