
The Veldt Foreshadowing Analysis

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In “The Veldt” by Ray Bradbury, Bradbury focused on multiple craft moves such as similes, dialogue, and foreshadowing to show different ways to describe the story throughout the book. In the story there is a nursery that is controlled by the children who live in the house. The nursery is in this very advanced house that does everything for them. The children's parents want to get rid of the house to live a normal life but their children don’t like that because they love the nursery. Eventually the children's rage of the parents taking the nursery away ends with them killing their parents. The craft moves show the arguments, descriptions and foreshadowing to show the reader how spoiled the children really are. Bradbury uses similes to describe …show more content…

At the end of the story The children kill the parents for saying and beginning to take away the technology. An example of this is “Those screams sound familiar” (page six). That is a part of foreshadowing in the story because the screams the parents hear are their own. That's why they sound familiar. Another example of foreshadowing is when Peter is fighting with his dad about the technology being taken away. Peter says “ I don't think you better consider that anymore, Father” (page seven). Peter threatens his father because his father threatens to take away the technology in the house. Which shows a sign of anger that will make Peter and his sister kill their parents in the end. In conclusion all the craft moves Ray Bradbury uses in “The Veldt” helps move the story along to show how being spoiled can turn out to be bad in the end. It shows how technology can ruin your life if you’re not careful and how a normal life is good. People today are getting more and more dependent on technology and this story is potentially illustrating what could could be our futures, technology wise. All of this was shown throughout the story with craft moves such as similes, personification, and dialogue to show the claim of how being spoiled can turnout bad in the

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