
The Vasa Period: Lutheran Protestant Church

Decent Essays

The Vasa Period Gustav I ruled for 37 years, leaving behind a centralized nation-state; he introduced the Reformation to Sweden- the Lutheran Protestant Church was under the king’s control Gustav died in 1560; his three sons were causing problems Erik XIV (1533-1577) Held throne 8 years Committed murders at Uppsala Slott → was deposed by his half-brother, Johan III (1537-1592) Poisoned with pea soup Karl IX (1550-1611) Ruled for only 4 years because of his unsuccessful military skills → his son, Gustav II Adolf, took over Gustav II Adolf (1594-1632) Military genius Devout Lutheran → supported German protestants during Thirty Years War (1618-1648) Recaptured southern parts of Denmark and consolidated Sweden’s control over eastern Baltic Sea

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