
The Value Of Societal Order In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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Societal order entails an organized structure of rules and practices in a society intended to preserve the life and safety of its citizens. Individual freedom refers to the ability of an individual to speak or behave as one pleases within the law without being discriminated or attacked for one's words or actions. Under most circumstances, these two values of societal order and individual freedom can co-exist hand in hand without difficulty. However, sometimes a dilemma will arise when these two values come into conflict, and one value must be chosen while the other is sacrificed. We see this pattern many times over the course of history, even today. More often than not, individual freedom is sacrificed to maintain societal order. Arthur Miller’s The Crucible illustrates this viewpoint by his example of the Salem witch trials of the late 17th …show more content…

The witch trials began with the accusation of several girls for practicing witchcraft. During the trial, they shift the blame of their actions onto witchcraft itself, or the “witch” archetype, claiming that they were being controlled against their will. This creates a fear of witches in Salem, inspiring the famed witch-hunt. The sacrifice of the witches occurred to ensure the societal order and the safety of the rest of the town, even if many who were accused of being witches were actually innocent. Miller argues a valid point, that when one must choose between societal order and freedom, it is the freedom of some individuals or groups that will usually be repressed. This conflict and the sacrifice of personal freedom persists even in the 21st century, as we continue to see similar cases in which groups of people have their freedom sacrificed for the sake of societal

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