
The United States ' Immigration System

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The United States’ immigration system has several flaws that no one seems to know how to address. There have been several attempts to correct these flaws like accommodating immigrants with the Dream Act and trying to eliminate illegal entries into the U.S by spending billions of dollars on border patrol. However, there are flaws in those attempts also. For example, according to Daniel Gonzalez, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) recipients are having a hard time finding jobs and, in some states, are prohibited from getting a drivers license. Also, the billions of dollars that have been poured into increased border patrol “reduced but did not stop unauthorized entries” (Mae M. Ngai). Perhaps the flaws in the U.S. immigration system are present because the attempts to fix them contradict one another. Congress tries to make border patrol stricter, but yet attempt to accommodate undocumented immigrants. Nevertheless, these contradictions should be brought to the attention of the public and even Congress for three reasons: the U.S. have attempted to accommodate migrants, but their actions are severely flawed, there is too much money being spent on border patrol, but illegal entry still exists and is somewhat encouraged, and the House of Representatives and Senate can’t agree on how to approach the issue. These are issues that both current and future migrants and immigrants should care about because they should be accommodated in a way that is easy for them to live the

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