
The USSo What Is The Basis Of My World View

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A world view, in my understanding, is a system of beliefs about life that determines behavior and, ultimately, the destiny of every person. The German philosopher Novalis said that "fate and character are different names of the same concept." I think the same can be said about one’s world outlook. It is the world view that creates a certain picture of the world, the prism through which a person looks at this life, communicates with people, builds his future. Every person has his own picture of the world. It is formed due to many factors - education, the influence of parents, their life experience, books and films. Of course, the world perspective changes with the years as a person accumulates life experience. However, it seems to me that by the age of eighteen a person has well-developed views on life, and one can safely talk about his world view. …show more content…

The complicated question makes me think, "dig into myself.” The basis of my life view is the conviction that the person himself creates his life, his destiny. There are many of examples of people who "made themselves" despite the most unfavorable circumstances. You might ask yourself, “Where is she going? How is she making herself?” To be honest, I don’t have an answer. I have not yet found my own purpose. I have not yet defined myself. As I look back at the days when I just arrived in America, I enter middle school filled with unfamiliar faces, not understanding what everyone around me were discussing. At that time, my life was like a cityscape full of busy colors and vibrant portraits. This new spectrum was totally different from Kyrgyzstan. This overload may have been what stopped me from continuing down the path of self-discovery. The “old” me was slowly fading away, while the “new” me took over my whole body. But I certainly set a goal… well not really a goal, maybe just a dream that I had to follow in order to achieve

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