
The True Story Of The Three Little Pigs

Satisfactory Essays

Day 1: Character

The main character of Where the Wild Things Are is Max. Max has a wild imagination. He imagined his room was a rain forest.

Day 2: Setting

The True Story of the Three Little Pigs is told by Al, the wolf. He starts off at his house making a cake for his granny. The wolf doesn't have any sugar for his cake, so he walked down the street to his neighbor's house. The first house is made of straw. The wolf huffed and snuffed and sneezed the house down. Then, he strolls to the next neighbors house. This pig's house is made of sticks. Again, he sneezed and blew the house down.

Day 3: Conflict

In Are You My Mother, the baby bird couldn't find his mother. When looking for his mother, he fell out of the tree. He passed by many

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