
The True Heros : A Hero As A Hero

Decent Essays

When you think of a hero, what naturally comes to mind is the classic image of Hercules doing his thirteen labors and slaying the hydra, but what if I told you there’s a lot more to what makes someone a hero than you would imagine? There are countless examples of ordinary people from all different walks of life taking a path that would lead to greatness in literature, and these are the ones that show you how in the most precarious of situations the average person could become more than normal and achieve greatness. Supposing that a person is named a hero because of their achievements is wrong, however seeing as that a person is really called as such because they took on a test so demanding that it would grant them such a title, one not many others could say they would have attempted themselves. A great example of a hero who took on a grand challenge would be Odysseus of Atracia, who even in the face of impending death at the hands of a mythical beast powered through with his resolve and escaped the beast's cave with his life. For instance in Paragraph 10, despite witnessing two of his best and closest companions be eaten alive by said beast, he had already begun plotting a way to murder it in it’s sleep to try to escape the cave, only stopping himself for he had come up with another plan, a better one. This plan ended up working in the Greeks favor because as seen in Paragraphs 17-23, Odysseus and four other brave men stepped up to the face of certain death and

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