
The Treatment Of A Female Child

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A female child, under 16 years of age, has been dealing with a number of health issues for several years. Among them are STDs, bipolar, pregnancy/miscarriage, suicide attempts, and newly discovered cervical cancer. She has a history of drugs and alcohol and is about 4 weeks into another pregnancy. She has been expelled from school and is suppose to have home-schooling three times a week. These are canceled most of the time because she is either not at home, or is not able to function that day. This child has decided not to have any treatment for the cervical cancer as this would prevent her from being able to become pregnant in the future. She has also decided to have the baby. Apparently she does not understand the ramifications involved if she does not have the cancer surgery/treatment with regard to the safety and health of the child she is carrying as well as her own. There have been numerous professional people involved in the ongoing care of this child. Various doctors, psychiatrists, Social Services, Child Protective Advocates, the courts, a mentor and school councilors have been looking out for the welfare of this child for at least 3 years. In spite of the fact that she has a history of drugs and alcohol, and has anger management issues and suicide attempts, nobody has taken these red flags seriously enough to protect her from herself. The parents of this child are divorced. They are also dysfunctional. Problems have existed in this family from the beginning. An

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