
The Transformative Essay: The Power Of Music Therapy

Decent Essays

Many people feel calm when they are completely focused and ignoring the world around them. This feeling is similar to how people feel listening or playing music. According to Marcus Weeks, author of Heads Up Psychology, “Musicians can be so absorbed in their music that they cut themselves off from the world around them, achieving an intense feeling of happiness.” Thus why music therapy was created, to help individuals who are struggling either emotionally or physically heal through the power of music. However, while it is very important, music therapy is a career that can be difficult to obtain.
The profession requires a lot of musical background knowledge. A strong music background is required because the degree is actually in music. Knowing piano and guitar is usually essential (Daily). Julie Guy, a music therapist, who was interviewed for Career World states, “Do volunteer work. Take as many music lessons as you can on any instrument plus guitar and piano. And listen to as much music as you can.” The degree also requires you to audition with the music department to get in at universities (Daily). Just like a music major would. Therefore it is essential to be proficient on piano and guitar. …show more content…

The American Music Therapy association (AMTA) states, “Undergrad courses in music therapy, psychology, music, biology, social and behavioral sciences, disabilities, and general studies.” Training requires therapists to have a bachelor's degree in music therapy, an internship as well as a certification from the Certification Board of Music Therapists. In order to become certified you must complete academic training that is AMTA- approved. Then, a test is given by the Certification Board of Music Therapists (AMTA). After completing both the college courses and the exam one can begin to intern/practice as a music

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