
The Transformation Of Grillo In Always Running By Luis J. Rodriguez

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In the novel Always Running by Luis J. Rodriguez, the main character, Grillo, changes through several stages in the story. As Grillo is growing, he begins to realize that he’s been making his life change from not caring about school and committing crimes to finally understanding the consequences for his actions. Grillo’s character changes as he experiences having his parents go through separation as a child, becoming immersed in a life of violence as a gang member, and finally realizing the need to change his lifestyle when he faces fatherhood.
There for, the first reason why Grillo changes through his childhood is when his parents gets separated.From there on his childhood had change because he gets to live on his own from his family not …show more content…

There for, he joined gangs so he can support himself and have a family of his own. For instance “I'm telling you there’s no choice”, Miguel continued “you wanta live,you wanta breathe air, you got to be in the Tribe man. De verotas, ese.”(pg54), from there on he been getting involved into drugs but also having sexuality with girls of his age and having relationships. However this explains how Grillo join with Miguel in order to live and preventing from getting jumped. But also in order for him to live he had to commit crimes to the point where he had to kill, jump someone and steal. If Grillo wouldn't do none of those he would get hurt from his gang members or even worst. In other words Grillo had to do it because he didn't have no other family but also because when his members and him went to a house to cause injury to a family he felt trapped because he had to do it no matter what, knowing he was already in the situation with no way back. But when he got sent to juvenile jail for causing a murder he realize he had to change his personality to become a better person for

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