
The Tragic Flaw Of Shakespeare's Othello

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Beneath the surface lies a man torn between his beliefs and knowledge as a soldier to his uncertainty and insecurities as a husband. Othello’s tragic flaw was his jealousy, insecurities, and his inability to trust. Othello was a man with high esteem, a victorious hero, who succumbs to the manipulations of a devious man (Hacht, 2007). He allowed the love that once gave him strength to also make him vulnerable. Othello told Desdemona father that “she loved me for the dangers I had passed, and I loved her that she did pity them (Bevington, 2014, pg. 617-618, Act 1, scene 3, lines 169-170). Othello’s ability to fit in was a challenge to him as well. He constantly had to embrace the Venetian concept of race, gender, religion, matrimony, sexuality,

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