
The Tragedy Of The Holocaust

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Horror struck on January 30, 1933 when Germany assigned Adolf Hitler as their chancellor. Once Hitler had finally reached power he set out to complete one goal, create a Greater Germany free from the Jews (“The reasons for the Holocaust,” 2009). This tragedy is known today as, “The Holocaust,” that explains the terrors of our histories past. The face of the Holocaust, master of death, and leader of Germany; Adolf Hitler the most deceitful, powerful, well spoken, and intelligent person that acted as the key to this mass murder. According to a research study at University of South Florida, nearly eleven million people were targeted and killed. This disaster is a genocide that was meant to ethnically cleanse Germany of the Jews. Although …show more content…

This explains why Germans began to feel disgust towards the Jews through Hitler’s ability to manipulate them by using false assumptions as propaganda. Also, that Hitler wanted to kill every Jew to end their bloodline, so they could no longer have a genetic pool. Although Germany committed genocide many other countries had strong antisemitism in their country and people were surprised the mass killings didn’t occur in France, England, or Russia first (“A Brief History of Anti-Semitism”). This shows that antisemitism did not originate in Germany and many countries in Europe struggled to accept Jewish people. Jews were considered superior because of their high intelligence and their clever business strategies which only further angered Europeans (“Anti-Semitism in Germany: Historical Background”). Germany believed they were aware of their brilliance and felt as though they were too good for modern western culture which created a barrier between the people. The biggest factor that made people begin to hate the Jews was a difference in religious beliefs where Jews practiced Judaism and Germans practiced Christianity (“Encyclopedia Judaica”). The holocaust began for many reasons, but religion was a very important factor that persuaded people that Jews were not welcome. Religion acted as a major conflict between Germans and Jews which only created a larger separation. This separation has been around for

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