
The Tragedy Of Macbeth By William Shakespeare

Decent Essays

What makes a once “brave friend” (1.2.6) “something wicked”? (4.1.45) In Shakespeare’s Tragedy of Macbeth, the answer to this question is played out. At the beginning of the play, the main character, Macbeth, is deemed “valiant” (1.2.24) and “noble” (1.2.68); however, after his encounter with the witches, his dark side starts to bubble up. As such, the Weird Sisters symbolize the ubiquitous evil that is in the world and present the theme man’s susceptibility to temptation. While the witches do play an essential role in Macbeth’s demise; ultimately, it is his choice to act upon the sinful ways. First of all, the historical significance of the witches directly relates to the time period when the play was written, and the beliefs of the society. Puritans wanted to “occupy positions of power and influence,” and they were “driven by a quest for purity”; consequently, witchcraft was looked down upon (Beek 3). People also assumed that the witches were only “doing harm to other people,” and “bringing about their death” (Thomas). Also, in the early 1600s, it was not just Shakespeare’s Tragedy of Macbeth that the witches appeared in; the creatures were also included in “Marston, Barnes, and Dekker[‘s]” works, which were put on at approximately the same time period as Tragedy of Macbeth (Wills 35). Some people, when analyzing Shakespeare’s play, have “treated [the witches] as unwelcome intrusions”; however, the witches of the sixteenth century in literature are said to be “central to

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