
The Thought Police

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I was driving in my car from home with no destination, I was sick and tired of hearing about the problems of society. I was thinking about life in general and how no one is free, everyone lives under some type of restriction that only benefits the profitable. Us as citizens under a higher power are lead to believe that they are free if they cooperate with these restrictions for the pleasure of the economy. I was so deep in thought that I forgot the radio was on until I had heard the line “All for freedom and for pleasure, nothing ever lasts forever. Everybody wants to rule the world.” from Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears for Fears. It was like the song predicted life for most people. In the Novel 1984 by George Orwell, everybody …show more content…

“(Pg.94) This shows how everyone wants to rule the world because it shows what the Thought Police, the main antagonist in the story, strives for. The Thought Police will take drastic measures to control their citizens to create what they believe is a ‘perfect’ society, they control everything that the citizens do, and misleading the citizens to think they are free because there are no laws. As to there being no laws, they have absurd restrictions that disregard what we, modern citizens of the year 2017 consider basic rights, the Thought Police grant themselves the right to strip the citizens of any type of privacy. They have people create propaganda in textbooks so the citizens have no memory or remorse of previous life before the Thought Police created totalitarianism. The Thought Police made their citizens live by three slogans that in the day of now would be considered farcical the slogans are ‘WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, IGNORANCE IS

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