
The Things They Carried Passage Analysis Essay

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The passage from the story of The Lives Of The Dead, gives O'Brien's views on storytelling and how he pushes fiction within his short novel. Furthermore, this passage starting from the bottom of page 230 going to 231, allows the reader to not only get a general feel as to what O’Brien means when he refers to storytelling, but also how he feels when he recalls his memories and how he writes them on paper. To start off, the passage begins with O’Brien’s views on storytelling stating that “you dream it as you tell it, hoping that others might then dream along with you” (O’Brien pg 230). This statement very much shows how O’Brien pushes fiction, even though he does not formally state it. He mentions dreaming and how your story is based on your …show more content…

I think that in order to portray the idea of pushing fiction the language in which the author needs to use must be very articulate and detailed to get that feeling of disbelief in the reader's mind. For example, take this quote from the passage; “ it was the deadness. We put his personal effects in a plastic bag and tied the bag to his arm. We stripped off the canteens and ammo, all the heavy stuff, and wrapped him up in his own poncho and carried him out to a dry paddy and laid him down.” In this specific part of the passage Tim uses imagery within his detailed yet very articulate language, which allows the reader to visualize in their head what Tim is actually seeing. This not only lets the reader get a better sense of the situation but also allows them to be in his shoes and experience what he sees. Furthermore, the language is very articulate and detailed as you can see from the line “we stripped off the canteens and ammo, all the heavy stuff, and wrapped him up in his own poncho and carried him.” Here the use of articulate and detailed language not only blossoms the imagery but also supports his idea of pushing fiction and how he dreams it as he tells

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