
The Things They Carried Essay

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The Things They Carried offered a unique and personal look into the life of one soldier’s experience. It showed how the war held obligations to its soldiers and expectations for each of the men to follow. The Things They Carried also showed a side of war that was not always seen in other documents and accounts such as Tim O’Brien thoughts and feelings during the war. However, many of the things O’Brien stated throughout his book is very similar to the experiences shared by men in the Civil War, World War I, and World War II. Moreover, despite some similarities, each war is unique and have their own distinctive causes and effects that have solidified their importance in American history. When it comes to war, it seems that most experiences …show more content…

Furthermore, there are some substantial differences between the two wars that is worth pointing out. Though the Civil War was rough at times, many of the men volunteered to fight. They wanted to stand beside their beliefs and fight for the cause they thought was most just4. In the Vietnam War, most men were drafted and were forced to fight despite their beliefs on the war. Additionally, most men fought in Vietnam not because they thought it was just, but because they did not want to face the harsh disgrace from their families and their country. World War I was initially started due to the buildup of German power. As European countries began to take sides, America wanted to stay neutral; however, once it was made clear that debts would not be paid if France and Britain lost, the US decided to intervene and enter into the war5. Although World War I and the Vietnam War were initially started because of an uprising power, the reasons for why America entered differed. Though some money was involved, America entered Vietnam to stop it from being becoming similar to China and adopting communism6. Also, the Vietnam War did not involve other European countries as heavily as World War I did. In a letter written by an anonymous soldier during World War I, he talked about life in battle, general fears, and killing a German soldier with

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