Journal of Advanced Nursing, 1999, 30(1), 74±82 Philosophical and ethical issues The theory±practice relationship in nursing: the practitioners ' perspective Gerard M. Fealy MEd BNS RGN RPN RNT Lecturer in Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University College Dublin, National University of Ireland, Dublin, Republic of Ireland Accepted for publication 15 September 1998 FEALY G.M. (1999) Journal of Advanced Nursing 30(1), 74±82 The theory±practice relationship in nursing: the practitioners ' perspective Within contemporary scholarly discourse, there are a number of distinctive approaches to understanding the theory±practice relationship. Carr identi®es four principal approaches, each of which is sustained within …show more content…
The theory±practice relationship is one in which the theory that is recoverable from good practice is used to guide practice. Within the `applied-science ' approach, the theory±practice relationship is one in which theory is viewed as abstract principles that may be brought to bear on practice in order to guide and to regulate it. The `practical ' approach represents a view which upholds the art of deliberation and practical wisdom. The theory±practice relationship that is sustained by this approach is one in which theory informs practitioners ' sense of what is good practice and, in this way, offers the practitioner a way of acting that is `right ' and `just '. This approach holds practice to be an ethical activity. The fourth way of viewing theory is the `critical ' approach. This approach represents an attempt to reconcile the `applied-science ' and the `practical ', in which theory and practice are interpreted as being mutually constitutive and dialectically related. This approach views social practices as inherently `problematic ' with the theory±practice relationship being one of `ideology critique ' (Carr 1986), in which practitioners engage in critical self-re¯ection and, in so doing, can increase their self-knowledge and rational autonomy. Theory±practice relationship only will be offered here. The content of nurse practitioners ' discourse is the principal concern of this paper.
Creasia, Friberg, J. (2011). Conceptual Foundations: The Bridge to Professional Nursing Practice (5th ed). Mosby. Retrieved from
Clearly introduces and defines the topic, as well as describes its importance to professional nursing.
Nursing theory is the pillar of nursing. It is very important in the application of evidence-based practice (EBP). The functions of a theory are to narrow and provide specific information for the analysis of initially confusing behaviors, situations, and events (Fawcett & Madeya 2013). As a matter of fact, nursing theory gives the nurse a framework for organizing and analyzing information as well as a base for identifying with their patients throughout the nurse-patient relationship (Schick, 2015). I am very much interested in all the theories but, the one that I relate to the most is Hildegard Peplau’s theory. It is a middle range theory that focuses on interpersonal relations. This theory teaches us how
The nursing theories assist the nurses to identify the limitations of nursing and advance the development of nursing as a unique profession. The theories help to explain the role of nursing in todays health care sector. It also gives the information on the basics of nursing practice and help to create more information in various aspects of patient care. The benefits of having the theory in nursing compromise the improved patient care, therapeutic communication among nurses, It also helps for the guidance for the research and education.( Application of theory in Nursing process”).Nursing was considered under medicine before the development of theories in nursing. Use of theory gives structure and organization to nursing knowledge. Theories make nursing more purposeful. It not only focuses on practice but also improves the rationale. Nursing theory also give the definitions and clarifications of nursing. It helps to differentiate nursing from other professions; It provides professional limits for practice in nursing. . (McEwen, &. Wills, 2014). Nursing theory helps nurses to clarify, explain and look for incidents in nursing practice. Serve to guide, evaluation and assessment of nursing practice.. It helps in professional communication between, coworkers and patients. It is very useful in doing researches. In the field of education role of nursing theory is very significant. It helps for the development of curricula, and helps in
“The main purpose of the journal is to publish original manuscripts focusing on nursing theory development, nursing theory--guided practice, and quantitative and qualitative research related to existing nursing frameworks” (Ovid, 2008, p. 1).
The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast nursing theorists from the four categories which are identified by Meleis as: Needs, Interaction, Outcome and Caring. (Meleis, 2012, Chapter 9) I have chosen Faye Abdellah, Imogene King, Myra Levine and Jean Watson as the grand theorists that I would like to explore for this study in contrast and comparison. This decision was made, in part, due to the fact that all of these theorists were born and educated in the twentieth century and I felt that their theories might be more applicable to my nursing practice. The information contained in the tables was obtained from several sources in an
Nursing theories are organized concepts that guide nursing practice. They are a set of concepts, definitions, relationships, and assumptions with standards borrowed from other related disciplines for the purpose of explaining, and predicting outcomes (Allgood, 2010). In the late 1800s, the nursing profession placed a major emphasis on education. This inspired the development of some of our earliest nursing theorists (CCN, 2015). Many theorists felt it prudent to describe nursing practice by creating nursing guidelines as a foundation for best practice clinical decision making. In the past, the majority of nursing curriculum was medically based and taught by physicians. Nurses were introduced to physiology, anatomy and pathophysiology that allowed accreditation with academic standing (Alligood, 2010). Nursing theory came into being out of the necessity to define what should form the bases of practice by explicitly describing nursing. Nursing theory created a foundation for better patient care, gave accreditation to schools of nursing through research, and established professional nursing boundaries, by highlighting nursing as an evolving profession. These theorists continue to be used today to help guide nursing practice, which has grown into a dynamic modern day system.
Our first class in the masters in nursing program, has been focused on nursing theorists. We have learned about Grand Theories, which are theories that are very broad and difficult to test and Middle Range Theories, which are also broad theories but narrow enough to be testable. We have learned how to study the different theories, looking at how we can utilize theories to evaluate practice.
The nursing profession has progressed greatly since it roots with Florence Nightingale, moving from reliance upon total medical direction for providing basic care and “the first duty of the nurse it that of obedience-absolute fidelity to his orders, even if the necessity of the prescribed measures is not apparent, you have no responsibility beyond that of faithfully carrying out the directions received” (Jennifer C. Telford), into an autonomous practice with its own nursing theory practices, models, and interventions.
For centuries the development of nursing knowledge has been influenced by numerous theorists and their respective theories. These theories have influenced, and continue to influence, nursing education, practice and research. (Johnson & Webber, 2005)
Prior to this course, this author had only one class during her baccalaureate degree program, which made the author think that nursing theory was confusing and unimportant in nursing practice. With the completion of this course the writer is now more aware that nursing theory is vital to nursing practice. Having completed the course, this author believes that she now has a better understanding of nursing theory. This author is now aware of the use of nursing theories in solving problems and giving the patient the quality care that he or she needs.
Theory Application to Nursing Practice: Intuition Through an understanding of each of the outlined theories, intuition seems most applicable to nursing practice. In reflection, nursing students have a minimal but developing level of clinical experience. While intuition is based from past experiences, emotions, and behaviours, another important factor is the perception of the situation; it is the perception or feeling of something being wrong that will instigate intuition (Holm & Severinsson 2016, pp. 412-3).
In the book, Nursing Theorists and Their Work, there are several chapters that discuss seven theorists and their different conceptual models (Alligood, 2014). The conceptual models have been crucial to the profession of nursing. Nursing conceptual models aid in educated decision making by providing different applications in regards to individuals, families, and society (Alligood, 2014). The seven theorists that will be conferred are the following: Myra Levine, Martha Rogers, Dorothea Orem, Imogene King, Betty Neuman, Sister Callista Roy, and Dorothy Johnson (Alligood, 2014). Each theorist has their own conceptual model in relation to the nursing profession.
The purpose of this assignment is to critique and evaluate the chosen article in terms of strengths and weaknesses, and to demonstrate an understanding of the research process. This article takes you through a critical appraisal exercise using an article from a Medical Journal. It describes how you decide whether to read and use an article that may be relevant to one’s research. Polit and Hungler (1997), believe that a true understanding of ‘a sound theoretical foundation to guide practice is enhanced by the ability of nurses to critique research.’ For the purpose of this critique the model chosen is that of Parahoo (1997).The purpose of this critique, the framework of Parahoo (1997) and Polit and Hugler (1999) have been used as a guide.