
Conspiracy Theory And The Criminal Justice System

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A conspiracy theory is a theory that argues that the rich and those with power seek the make sure the criminal justice system fails because they benefit from that failure. Conspiracy theories are hard to be proven and for it to succeed, it has to be kept a secret. There’s no credibility in the sources due to the degree of secrecy. Conspiracy theories are invalid because it doesn’t correspond with how people behave most of the time. The Pyrrhic defeat theory isn’t a conspiracy theory because the theory bases itself on why the criminal justice system fails and that’s due to our own shortcoming of not trying hard enough to prevent it.

Ideology is a set of beliefs made in order to serve the interest of society. The difference between ideology and propaganda is propaganda is a set of misleading biased set of beliefs in order to promote a cause or point of view. By this definition, ideology can be propaganda. Most of the time the rich and powerful are the ones claiming these beliefs to benefit them. Ideology is needed in the United States to change the way our criminal justice system and other system for the better. This allows the working class to stand up and point out how unfair and unjust the distribution of wealth and power is in the United States.

The criminal justice system implies that we’re judging based on conditions and social stance of whether or not some acts of crimes are excusable or not, such as murder out of self-defense. The criminal justice system focuses on

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