
The Theory Of Soft Determinism Essay

Decent Essays

Certainly, people associate Richard Taylor with Libertarianism. If you are asking who portrays themselves as a libertarian, then you should consider a libertarian anyone who believes that we have “free will”. In addition, libertarians also believe that free will is not compatible with determinism, which makes determinism false ultimately. To point out that determinism is the belief that an event did occur. With this being said, Taylor argues that “we are blameworthy only if we choose freely”, as Taylor is indicating that humans are able to make decisions that result in irresponsibility.
Since humans are liable to make decisions, then the decisions that we make can become evil because humans have free will, in which this free will causes us not to acquire responsibility. For instance, Taylor makes a statement on the topic of soft determinism, he says “The theory of soft determinism looks good at first—it has for generations been solemnly taught from numberless philosophical chairs and implanted in the minds of students as sound philosophy—but no great acumen is needed to discover that far from solving any problem, it only camouflages it” (Taylor, Libertarianism: Defense of Free Will, pg. 4). Taylor is suggesting that soft determinism is a covering or a hiding place for people who need to solve their problems. With this in mind, Taylor assumes that all people have problems, but people try to hide them because they believe that we already know about our decisions, and yet we

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