
The Theory Of Mind, And Sensation Essay

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Aesthetics is the branch of philosophy that deals with the principles of beauty and artistic taste. In other words, both sides of things like the Beauty and the Ugly. Aesth means pleasure and pain while ethics means goodness and evil. This makes the basis Emotion. Aesthetics is broken up to a lot of things. In the following essay, we will be focusing and discussing the Theory of mind, and Sensation. The theory of mind starts with Descartes Dualism. Descartes was a man that “believed that the body and the soul are different kinds of things.” He called these substances. The body is a material substance, meaning it is not only physical, but it is also the matter in which something is made. On the other hand, the soul is an immaterial substance, meaning it is something spiritual. A person has the combination of both of these things which help create the Mind-Body Dualism. The Mind Body Dualism is a way to solve a problem between the two different kinds of facts: the physical facts of a person like there features such as parts of their body and mental facts such as what they believe in. The body has physical facts while the mind has mental facts. Descartes wanted to prove this by imagining the body without the mind, and the mind without the body. He said if the two things can survive without one or the other, then they are not the same. This concludes that the body and mind are two completely different things. This is called the Conceivability argument for dualism. This helped

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