I do not believe that there is such thing as a correct leadership theory, there I said it, I’ve been holding it in an jesus does it feel great to get it out. Haha what I do believe in is awesome people, people who treat other people great and treat themselves and their business, foundation or institution great now that’s what I believe in. So in the sake of great leaders I will be taking on prompt number two and constructing my own theory by using 3 examples from the book and 6 sources that I will cite properly in an MLA format.
The first theory that I would like to pull from and the theory that I personally feel is the absolutely most functional out of the theories provided was the, “Psychodynamic approach.” This theory emphasises and I quote from Chapter 13 PG 320 in,”Leadership Theory and Practice.” , “Emphasize the importance of leaders becoming aware of their own personality type and the personalities of their followers.” This theory emphasizes the theory that according to www.leadershipandinnovation.com describe as,” The Psychodynamic approach to leadership developed from the methods of dealing with emotionally disturbed individuals and from psychological development of individuals. This theory works in the favor of the majority of every human being on planet earth where at one point in our life we have had some form of emotional disturbing experience in our lives, whether it range from us not accomplishing a goal all the way to being physically or emotionally
Leadership Theories
Compare and contrast two theories of leadership. Do these theories offer practical guidance for managers?
Leadership theories in and of themselves carry negative and positives characteristics. Within the various theories lie strengths and weaknesses that when applied to complex problems can highlight each one respectively. As I examine a few theories, I will look at the strengths and weaknesses of each and determine when and with which situation would these theories best be utilized. Collective leadership or distributive leadership, and leader-member exchange are both theories that incorporate specific team or group mentalities.
Cherry, K. (2011). Leadership Theories - 8 Major Leadership Theories. In About. Retrieved October 2, 2011, from http://psychology.about.com/od/leadership/p/leadtheories.htm
It is believed leadership can be taught. There are many training facilities and different present organizations that offer leadership training for their employees. These training classes are directed by psychologists whom utilize self-report questionnaires to help one understand themselves which will then, in turn, help them learn to lead others. John Storey in Leadership in Organizations argues that “it is impossible to lead others without a deep understanding of oneself” (Storey, 2004, p.125). There are various theories in regards to leadership, but according to our textbook they can all be categorized into six theory approaches. The first one is
Out of all the different leadership theories I learned about this semester I really feel that I best relate to transformational leadership and authentic leadership theories. During the development of my personal theory I found that these theories tended to list many similar traits, and values that aligned with my own. Additionally, both authentic and transformative theories place a significant amount of emphasis on the relationship between the leader and her/his followers. The success and influence of a leader comes not from herself but from her ability to create and invoke strong relationships with their followers. Given my character strengths of sociability, integrity, assertiveness, and my drive to connect to others on a deeper level, I value both the authentic and the transformative leadership theories.
Out of all the different leadership theories I learned about this semester I really feel that I best relate to transformational leadership and authentic leadership theories. During the development of my personal theory I found that these theories tended to list many similar traits, and values that aligned with my own. Additionally, both authentic and transformative theories place a significant amount of emphasis on the relationship between the leader and her/his followers. The success and influence of a leader comes not from herself but from her ability to create and invoke strong relationships with their followers. Given my character strengths of being understanding, upholding my sense of fairness, honesty and my strong sense of morals,
There are different leadership theories developed throughout the history. Most popular ones are trait theories, behavioral theories, contingency theories, and leader-member exchange (LMX) theory. The author of the post will briefly discuss two theories, Fiedler contingency theory and Leader-Member Exchange (LMX), and compare and contrast their strengths and weakness.
Leadership is a process whereby individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal (Northouse, 2013, p. 5). So, to better understand the fundamental principles preceding leadership philosophy, we have to understand the theory of leadership development and its essential characteristics. The leadership theories that are greatest associated with my personal developmental plan are the theory of relationship and transformational leadership. The transformational leadership theory is allied with my personal development plan because it is also known as the transformational leadership model, which emphases on the influences that inspires both the leader and the followers. According to this theory, the main elements or fundamental base is created on vision, trust, power, authenticity, motivation, and communication.
The Great Man Theory describes the leader as being born with the necessary characteristics to lead an organization ("Leadership Theories," n.d.). Trait Theory expanded on the Great Man Theory stating leaders who are born with the characteristics or traits to be a great leader will help them excel as leaders ("Leadership Theories," n.d.). Behavioral theories focus on the leader’s behaviors and not their characteristics ("Leadership Theories," n.d.). Contingency theories state leadership styles vary based on the environment or situation ("Leadership Theories," n.d.). Transactional leadership theories focus on the transaction between leaders and their followers ("Leadership Theories," n.d.). Transformational leadership theories focus on the relationship of the leader and their followers and how that relationship impacts the organization ("Leadership Theories," n.d.).
There are a multitude of different leaderships theories and some of the current leadership theories model older version in history. To go over them all could sound a little redundant as many have similar concepts. I would like to discuss three contemporary leadership theories that have been most influential in my experience and what I would like to strive to become better at. The three theories are Servant, Authentic and Situational leadership. Not just one of these theories works best
Leadership theories are attempts to answer some of the question people have about leadership. These theories range from simple “armchair philosophies” about the personal characteristics and effect relationship between leaders and followers and situations.
There is no consensus that has been reached regarding this controversy, but many theories are centered on it. Chronologically, popular leadership theories include the great man theory, trait theory, behavioral theories, role theory, participative leadership, situational leadership, contingency theories, transactional leadership, and transformational leadership. Each of these theories presents a unique perspective of what comprises leadership. The main focus of this research paper is, however, the trait theory (Bass & Stogdill, 1990).
Chapter sixteen discusses various leadership theories which can implemented by leaders to achieve success. The choice of leadership theory differs from leader to leader as they possess different vision and way of managing. A theory isn 't always perfect in itself, it is the endless effort of the leaders which makes the theory a perfect one. Two approaches of leadership that I prefer are Situational Leadership Theory and Servant Leadership Theory. Among many theories I prefer these two because I tend to practice those principles most of the time and I assume these are theories that I truly tend to continue in a long run.
-The theory does not consider or take into consideration the ways values affect the group dynamics.