
The Theory Of Indigenous Sovereignty

Decent Essays

The concept of indigenous sovereignty is the most debated and contested subject among Indigenous academicians and politicians. To further expand the concept and understand indigenous sovereignty, Aileen brought a new insight and perspectives through the lenses of sociological thought. The Judicio-political is a commonly used approach by many theorists on indigenous sovereignty. In this respect, the author sought to challenge the concept of indigenous sovereignty situated within the Judicio-political framework and the overall epistemological foundation upon which it is built. Her analysis is based on Foucault’s conceptual framework developed on the idea of race, sovereignty and war and several review of literature on the Australian critical witness concerning indigenous sovereignty. Aileen notes that many of these literature analyze and locate indigenous rights within the Judicio-political framework of law, rights and sovereignty. One of the limitations of the literature, according to Aileen, is that it does not reorient our conceptualization of power outside of a law, rights and sovereignty. Utilizing the work of Foucault and critical whiteness theorists, Aileen analyzed the relationship between indigenous sovereignty bringing new insights into the conception of indigenous sovereignty. According to Aileen, the emergency of historico political fields in the 1970s to challenge the myths of white patriarchal narratives and other eruptions of rights claim (e.g. women) are all

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